从(公共汽车、火车等)下来,“要下车了”英语说法 alight

时间: 2022-12-05 18:13:37 人气: 199 评论: 0

很早我们就学过一个词组,get off,是下车,下地铁,从(公共汽车、火车等)下来。“要下车了”,英语说法,还有一个地道的词语:alight,咱们来学习这个单词,注意,它有两个完全不同的意思。

alight / əˈlait / adjective [not before noun]
1. on fire
   A cigarette set the dry grass alight.
   Her dress caught alight in the fire.
2. (formal) (of faces or eyes 脸或眼) showing a feeling of happiness or excitement
see world verb [V] (formal or literary)
1. ~ (in / on / upon sth) (of a bird or an insect 鸟或昆虫) to land in or on sth after flying to it
   SYN  land
2. ~ (from sth) to get out of a bus, a train or other vehicle
   SYN  get off :
   Do not alight from a moving bus.
a'light on / upon sth
   to think of, find or notice sth, especially by chance
   Eventually, we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship.
   Her eyes suddenly alighted on the bundle of documents.


alight¹ / əˈlaɪt ; əˈlaɪt /
adj [not before noun]
1. burning
• 燃烧的:
 »The car was set alight and pushed over a hill.
2. [literary] someone whose face or eyes are alight looks excited, happy, etc
• 〔兴奋得〕神采飞扬的; 眉开眼笑的:
 »alight with excitement / pleasure / laughter etc
 »Jed's face was alight with excitement.
3. [literary] bright with light or colour
• 〔光线或色彩〕明亮的

verb [I] [formal]
1. if a bird or insect alights on something, it stops flying and stands on it
• 〔鸟、昆虫等〕飞落;
【SYN】 land
2. to step out of a vehicle after a journey
• 〔从交通工具上〕下来:
▪ [+ from ]
 »She alighted from the train at 74th Street.
  她在第 74 大街下了火车。


alight on / upon sth
[formal] to suddenly think of or notice something or someone
• 突然想到(发现):
 »His mind alighted on several possible answers.



alight adj.

VERBS be | catch (esp. BrE) His clothing caught ~. | remain, stay (both esp. ) The fire should remain ~ overnight. | set sth The building had been set ~ by the killer. | keep sth The fires had to be kept ~ each night.

ADVERB well (esp. BrE) The fire should be well ~ by now.

PHRASES ~ with excitement, laughter, pleasure, etc. (figurative) The children's eyes were ~ with excitement. 

词汇 网约车英语 下车 打的 生活英语
