词汇学习 英语单词 weed 联想 清除淘汰 怎么说地道英语

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英语单词词汇的学习, 一定要善于发挥联想。人们常说,想象能力,是人具有智力的主要表现之一。 “清除, 淘汰”, 我们要表达这个概念,有很多个英语说法,怎么说地道英语说才地道呢?在很多种说法当中,这里介绍个单词:weed, 这个单词靠联想, 很有意思的联想,帮学员们建立形象的联系。请想象下,为什么“野草”,容易联想到“清除”?是不是很有道理呢?不仅如此,由“野草”还容易想到“烟草”, 是不是学习英语很有趣?


weed / wiːd / noun1. [C] a wild plant growing where it is not wanted, especially among crops or garden plants
   The yard was overgrown with weeds.
2. [U] any wild plant without flowers that grows in water and forms a green floating mass
3. the weed [sing.] (humorous) tobacco or cigarettes
   I wish I could give up the weed (= stop smoking).
4. [U] (informal) the drug cannabis
5. [C] (BrE, informal, disapproving) a person with a weak character or body
   懦弱的人;体弱的人verb   to take out weeds from the ground
   I've been weeding the flower beds.
   [also V]
ˌweed sth / sb ↔ 'out
   to remove or get rid of people or things from a group because they are not wanted or are less good than the rest


weed¹ / wid ; wiːd /
1. [C] a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly
• 野草,杂草,莠草:
 »the constant battle against weeds
2. [U] a plant without flowers that grows on water in a large green floating mass
• 海藻,水草;
--› seaweed
3. [C] [BrE informal] someone who is weak
• 懦弱的人; 孱弱的人:
 »Nigel's such a weed, isn't he?
4. like weeds, in large numbers
• 大量地〔像杂草一样〕:
 »Cars clogged the roads like weeds.
5. the weed, [informal] cigarettes or tobacco
• 香烟; 烟草
6. [U] [old-fashioned] CANNABIS
• 大麻
7. (widow's) weeds, [old use] black clothes worn by a woman whose husband has died
• 〔寡妇穿的黑色〕丧服

verb [I,T]
1. to remove unwanted plants from a garden or other place
• (给…)除去杂草
weeding noun [U]


weed sb / sth∽out
• to get rid of people or things that are not very good
• 淘汰〔不合格的人或物〕:
 »The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.



weed¹ / wid ; wiːd /
1. [C] a wild plant growing where it is not wanted that prevents crops or garden flowers from growing properly
• 野草,杂草,莠草:
 »the constant battle against weeds
2. [U] a plant without flowers that grows on water in a large green floating mass
• 海藻,水草;
--› seaweed
3. [C] [BrE informal] someone who is weak
• 懦弱的人; 孱弱的人:
 »Nigel's such a weed, isn't he?
4. like weeds, in large numbers
• 大量地〔像杂草一样〕:
 »Cars clogged the roads like weeds.
5. the weed, [informal] cigarettes or tobacco
• 香烟; 烟草
6. [U] [old-fashioned] CANNABIS
• 大麻
7. (widow's) weeds, [old use] black clothes worn by a woman whose husband has died
• 〔寡妇穿的黑色〕丧服

verb [I,T]
1. to remove unwanted plants from a garden or other place
• (给…)除去杂草
weeding noun [U]


weed sb / sth∽out
• to get rid of people or things that are not very good
• 淘汰〔不合格的人或物〕:
 »The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.



n. hierba mala, mala hierba, maleza, yerba mala, yerbajo, yuyo 

v. desenraizar, desbrozar, desherbar, desyerbar, escardar, escardillar, limpiar de hierbas, limpiar de rastrojos, sachar 

词汇联想 英语单词 清除 淘汰 地道英语
